Thursday, December 18, 2008

We will not miss Abdullah

An article from the local dailies today:


Thursday December 18, 2008

Pak Lah: Final mission to cool racial tensions

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime MInister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sees his final mission before leaving office is to cool racial and religious tensions in the country.

Abdullah told The Associated Press that a shrinking economy and deepening divisions between the different communities are the biggest threats facing the country.

“Since I am retiring earlier than I was planning to, (the reforms) have to be done very quickly,” said Abdul- lah.

“I am thinking of how to handle the issue of race relations, and the issue of religious tensions because of so many things that are happening,” he added.

Abdullah suggested that he could establish an institution “where all communities” can take their grievances.



How retarded can you be? What racial issue? Do you see racial issue when Chinese communities are voting for PAS? I don't think so.

Let's look at the greater picture: who is raising the racial issues?

Example #1:

Who kissed the 'keris' while having their legal assembly? And who shouted: don't mess with 'M*lays'? What happened to the word 'Bumiputera'?

Example #2:

Who suggested to scrap vernacular school? Why don't you scrap the U-party? It would be if it's not for Dr.M.

Example #3:

Who insisted that in order to preserve the racial harmony, the country have to emphasize on special rights of the bumis? Why not use the word 'M*lays' now?

Example #4:

Who deliberately made false accusation of a Chinese YB, saying that the prayers from a mosque was too noisy? And in the end, the Imams from the mosque stood up and claim that there's was no report made against them? (I hope this currupted former-CM will get the 3mil fine)

Example #5:

Who abused the local media (TV and newspapers) to install hatred among races? What about the reported special TV-programs on TV1? Who made used of the papers to throw the allegations at one of our local MP?

Example #6:

It seems like a different picture shown by the opposition when they encourage ppl to join DAP or PAS regardless of their skin color or religion. DAP is inviting everyone on facebook to join their dinner. Not a lavish one, but I am touched by the efforts of these big-hearted people. This is what the rakyat believes now. I've personally attended a talk organised by PAS near my place and everyone was so friendly. All smiles. I don't think I will get this kind of reception if I attend an U-party talk.

Racial integration is showing its signs of gel-ing. We do not need anyone to remind us of our differences. The country don't need this. Lead by example, this is what the opposition is trying to show us. And they are also sending out a message that a new dawn is coming. A whole new level of 'MALAYSIA' will be introduced where everyone is happy and then.... we will not question the rights of the BUMIPUTERAS.

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