Friday, June 16, 2006


Ok, so, they wanna play with themselves and themselves only. then you go la to wanking party. we don't care. but you better find a thicker bush to do that, if not we will charge you with illegal gang wanking and indecent behaviour.

I mean, what is this. It's a multi racial country. can you guys just shut up. we gave you the right to talk louder than us, but don't make sensitive and stupid comment like this. Inter-racial activites are good and i believe a lot of people would agree to that especially on festive seasons like this.(mindy, don't think otherwise when i mention "inter-racial" ok?) we didn't say anything when you do it to the cows now, did we? you inter-species fonies...

lessons learnt today:

It's bad to have too many wives. Legal or illegal ones. (i don't care)
It's bad to do it to the cows. (it's inhuman) who's going to eat the cow later? them also...
It's bad to wank or do it with your best mates.(dude, your mates still need to shit with that)
It's bad to have Kelantan in M'sia. (somebody grant them independence, so that they can wank quietly.)

disclaimer: this article is written to point out that PAS (party amat stupid) is living up to their reputation. no other intention. thank you.


Anonymous said...

gotta admire their ability to be stupid. must have strayed from normal human evolution, probably same evolution line with monkeys.

Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » » »